
Showing posts from October, 2017

14 days and counting.

I am so tired. Truely bone weary. I have gone from looking after my delirious father, to getting straight into clearing the house. Slowly it is all coming together. Last week I sold a G Plan coffee table and now I am waiting for someone to come and pick up an old sideboard. I have British heart foundation coming tomorrow to collect all the old Cd's and books a bag of clothes, then hopefully Thursday another charity coming to pick up some bedroom furniture which they sell on to low income families. I have 2 houses where the neighbours are away so I have been filling their dustbins as well as my own. fingers crossed, tomorrow, I will be able to vacuum a big space that was our old front room. I have 13 days left in the U.K. I must admit I have taken a break from all the clearing by getting out of the house. I hate clutter, especialy clutter that I cannot put anywhere. I went out for breakfast yesterday with my long time friend Paul, then today I have been over to see a friend and ha...

Times they are a changing

It has been a crazy few weeks. My dad was taken ill in July and the decision was made for him to go to Devon once he recovered. He went by private ambulance last week and I have been spending the time since he left, clearing the house. It has been soul destroying. 60 years of my parents life, tucked into cupboards and drawers. I am beginning to see the end. A lot has gone to charity and another lot is waiting to be collected. My furniture started their journey to Turkey last weekend. There isn’t one room in the house that isn’t in chaos. I now have 2 arm chairs to sit in and a rise and recliner chair. Piles of bags sit in the corner waiting their rendevous with the local tip. I have already been to the tip once this week, and after throwing all the old radios, portable CD players and tape decks into the electrical skip, what I am about to do hit home hard and I sat in the car and cried. I don’t ever want to see another ornament, packet of photos or photographic slides ever again! I...

Fast forward

I left turkey with express wishes to MHTTB. I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO ENGLAND THINKING ABOUT YOU! Just message me SOMETIMES, just to let me know you are o.k. I arrived back home to find my dad, who was, at the time, the ripe old age of 91 missing. Panic ensued, my poor friend who was staying had to deal with me running around the house talking to myself, it was 3.30am, he wasn’t anywhere to be found. I called the hospital, he’d had a fall and was in obs waiting for someone to come and pick him up, that would be me then. I finally got him discharged at 4.30am and brought him home. I crawled into bed at 5am and quickly messaged MHTTB as promised. I have arrived safely. I had 6 more weeks of purgatory working, going in daily was like pulling teeth, the people who had taken over the role were cocking up big time but I said nothing because I was being ignored. I sat back and surfed the net, watching the sicophants schmoozing the director, knowing karma would take care of them in due co...

In the beginning

I suppose it would be best to start where it all began, this little escapade to expatism. So here goes, it will be a very very long story short Many years ago, I used to holiday regularly to Turkey, Olu Deniz to be exact. 1. Because it was beautiful and gorgeous 2. Because it was cheap and lastly, but by no means least, as it has a massive baring on this blog, is because I was in a casual relationship with one of the locals, whom I will call MHTTB (my handsome Turkish toy boy) By 1998 it had all gone pear shaped, I was beginning to think there was more to holiday destinations than getting drunk, staying up all night and Zombie bar. 1999 saw me leave Turkey for the last time for a very long time and head off to Greece, Spain, Wales............. In 2015 I ventured back to Turkey, mainly because a friend had a pressing need to go back and visit. The back packers had gone, the camping places has gone, the one strip of hotels had been replicated tenfold and went all the way back in...