
There have been a few firsts this week. Ozlem came over on Saturday to teach me how to make borek, to cut a long story short, MHTTB and Ozlem ended up having 'words' and as MHTTB had had a few too many alcoholic beverages, it was left to me to take her home. MHTTB has a big Hyundai 6 seater van, it's a battered looking thing, but drives surprisingly well, in fact I have driven us to Dalyan and back in it. The thing is I don't like driving in Fethiye. Look at any dodgems at any fair ground and you get a rough idea of what driving in Fethiye is like, only worse. Luckily Ozlem decided to drive us to Fethiye. On the way home we got stopped by the police. The policeman's face was a picture when Ozlem wound down the window. She is a very attractive woman and he took one look and was smitten and quite surprised that this battered old van contained 3 women and no men. She asked Yagmur, her daughter to pass her over the driving license but the policeman just waved her on and...