Trials and tribulations

I am worried about one of the street cats we feed. He is the smallest of the litter and has always been a bit fearful. When we captured them to get them neutered, he was the one who needed the most coaxing and it took him a good week to trust us again. Last week, he disappeared for 2 days. This was unusual as he seemed to need his big brothers to sooth his nerves. He's always rubbing against them for reassurance and wouldn't come too close until they did. The other 2 venture into the apartment, but he took his time and would only come in if they were with him. Anyway last Saturday, he showed up, he was terrified and wouldn't come near us, he attempted to eat and it was then that I noticed that he was dribbling from one side of his mouth. He has been every day but he wasn't eating and starting to look thin, then Wednesday he walked into the apartment and was mewing around me. I offered him food and as he attempted to eat it he let out a very loud yowl. Thursday MHTTB man...