No words can ever express how much I love you, how grateful I am to you and how much you will be missed. I will love you forever, rest now, you deserve eternal peace.
Turks are very hospitable people, they are not the richest people, in fact some of them are downright poor. Yesterday we went to visit a friend of MHTTB, he was at his girlfriends house. She didn't know us at all, but the hospitality was immediate, she invited us to join her for a barbeque. The food was simple fresh chicken and fish with salad. I used to hate people turning up unexpectedly at mealtimes, but she just took it all in her stride, most Turkish people do. They seem to be able to rustle up a delicious meal from nothing at the drop of a hat. She had a small, clean lovely house in the middle of nowhere at a place called Yaniklar. It is a village about a 15 minute drive away. My Turkish is very poor, but with the help of Google translate we managed to have a good chat and a laugh. Today a man came to quote for putting a chimney up for the wood burner, including the materials I am looking at a cost of 700tl, which is about £140 quid at todays rate. Considering I am on the f...
The one thing you cannot complain about here in Turkey, is customer service. When I first purchased the apartment, I needed Wi-fi access, because at that time I did not (and still don’t) have a residents permit MHTTB had to have it put in his name. We went to turk telecom at 5pm on a Tuesday evening, ordered it and at 10am the following morning we received a call from the telephone engineer saying he was outside and could he come in to install it! He came, with the modem, fiddled about a bit,plugged the modem in and voila! We had Wi-fi. None of this farting about that BT provide. Send a modem in the post and then they tell you to wait up to 5 working days to connect it at the exchange. The same with the curtains I ordered. I went in gave them the measurements, chose the material and by 4pm the next day they were made, complete with the clips sewn in and ready to hang. Everything electrical that I purchase comes with an automatic 2 year guarantee. Go to the bank and say see this bi...
Like most places here, the apartment, decor wise is quite bland. I brought my sofa's over, but they too were cream and it was all a bit..........boring. For quite some time I have been looking for carpets to put down. I have even bought a few carpets, but I like the kilim style, and they weren't really practical for a heavy traffic area and once again, they were beige. I needed new curtains so I got in touch with a lovely young woman, Grace. She came and measured and brought HUNDREDS of samples and as I wanted to inject some colour and as Ozlem had made me some rather nice cushions, I went for red!! This in turn gave me an idea of the colour carpet I wanted to tie it all in. Kilims tend to have traditional patterns, they usually have vibrant colour, but sometimes the pattern just doesn't appeal to me. For a number of weeks now, I have been passing a shop called Villa Home and had noticed some very nice carpets outside. They are all different pieces of Kilims made into patch...
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