support and dire warnings.

I must admit I expected all kinds of objections when I resumed my relationship with MHTTB and made the decision to purchase a property here. Generally my family and friends have been very encouraging and supportive. I am not silly, my radar is primed, MHTTB was an ex for a reason, but 20 years have passed and he, along with I,  have changed a great deal. I did get dire warnings from one person who herself had been involved with a Turkish man, I think her words to me were: you are a 100% mug, but then she was telling me her story, not mine. MHTTB is very good around the house. Yesterday I wanted to have a lay in bed. When I eventually got out of my pit, the house had been cleaned to perfection. He does things like that. He tells me I don't need to climb ladders to get the curtains down, I am not to worry about getting things fixed as he knows people that do everything. In that respect I am lucky. But before resuming my romance, I spent most of that time single. If something needed fixing I used to have to do it myself. Living with my Dad in a house with 15ft ceilings required me to climb step ladders to get nets down and change light bulbs. I am a dab hand at changing plugs, not that we need to these days, painting, fixing fences. He is back at school tomorrow to complete getting his captains license, so I am going to get on with the things I need to do to get the place straight

Last night we had a terrific thunderstorm and torrential rain. The thunder went on for most of the night. I videoed one the other evening.  We didn't get many in London, but when we did, I liked to watch them. At 4 am this morning, I was up and watching the lightening.


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